At West Leigh Infant School our aim is to ensure that all children have the best foundation in mathematics. We have adopted a mastery approach to mathematics to ensure that our children have a secure and deep understanding of mathematical concepts that can be applied in everyday situations.
Mathematical oracy is at the core of our curriculum. Children develop the use of mathematical language through speaking and listening, including reasoning and explanations.
Our mathematics curriculum allows for all children to become fluent in the fundamentals of maths, developing their conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. This enables our children to reason mathematically by justifying, making links to known facts, or providing proof using mathematical language. Children apply their mathematic knowledge to problem-solving further consolidating their understanding of mathematical concepts.
In Year R, we follow the White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning to deliver the Development Matters curriculum. Our children learn through a combination of whole class teaching, focus groups and child-initiated learning. We plan our mathematics curriculum to be covered slowly in small steps to support our mastery approach to teaching and learning mathematics. We place a large focus on number sense and developing a deep understanding of early numbers, in addition to identifying and working with patterns. We ensure that this is secure before introducing simple calculation. Shape, space and measure is woven into the curriculum, linked to number. For example, a triangle is taught alongside the number three.
Throughout Key Stage 1, in order to develop the children’s fluency and mastery of Maths, we follow the Maths – No Problem! Scheme of Learning and supplement this with the White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning and resources from NRICH to deliver the National Curriculum. Our Mathematics curriculum provides many opportunities for children to develop confidence and fluency with numbers, counting and place value. The children then to progress on to applying these skills in calculations. Our children are equipped with the skills to recognise shapes and their properties, and understand, describe and compare measures and quantities such as length, mass, capacity, volume, time and money. The use of practical equipment, such as concrete objects and measuring tools, supports the children in gaining a deeper conceptual understanding before being challenged through tasks and questions to explain their reasoning and solve a range of problems.
Lesson activities are scaffolded to suit the different abilities and learning styles. Mathematics lessons allow for collaborative learning. Children are encouraged to talk in pairs, small groups or through class discussion, to share learning. For those children who grasp concepts rapidly, they will be challenged through a range of problems, whilst those not sufficiently fluent will be provided with opportunities to consolidate their understanding through additional practice and targeted small group intervention.
At West Leigh Infant School, to further enhance the teaching of Maths Mastery, we are currently taking part in the Venn Essex Maths Hub, and the NCETM "Mastering Number" programme. This involves children taking part in a short mastering number session in addition to their mathematics lesson. The aim of the programme is to enhance the children’s previous learning by improving fluency and accuracy of key number skills.
Formative and summative assessment is used throughout the year, ensuring the children make excellent progress in becoming confident mathematicians. Gaps in knowledge are identified and address quickly through small group work and scaffolding within the lesson.
Our mastery approach to the teaching and learning of Mathematics enables the children to progress from relying on concrete resources to using pictorial and abstract representations to solve problems. The children have a secure understanding of the concepts taught and are able to apply a range of methods when problem-solving.
Evidence of the children’s learning is collected in a variety of different ways; including Seesaw, Maths books, and pupil voice. In each year group, children are assessed according to national standards: Early Years Learning Goals in YR; National Curriculum End of Year Expectations in Year 1; End of Year 2 Teacher Assessment Framework.
Mathematics monitoring includes book looks (internally and externally), learning walks, and pupil voice in order to ascertain correct curriculum coverage, the quality of teaching and learning as well as the children’s attitudes to and retention of maths learning. This information is then used to inform further curriculum developments and provision is adapted accordingly.
At the end of Year 2, children leave West Leigh Infant School with a solid foundation in Mathematical skills, and the resilience to apply their knowledge in a range of contexts.