Physical Education
At West Leigh Infant School, P.E and School Sport has a very high profile. Through combining the Get Set 4 PE scheme of work, which we follow for Outdoor P.E lessons, and comprehensively planned lessons delivered by our specialist Gymnastics and Dance coach, we provide a progressive curriculum that aims for every child to develop and build their physical stamina as well as the fundamental skills, capabilities and knowledge necessary to take part in a range of sports as they grow older. Our child centred approach to teaching PE promotes challenge and support for every child, through appropriate differentiation. This helps to ensure that learning is as tailored and inclusive as possible so that all children are engaged and can achieve in every lesson. It is our intention to develop a lifelong love of physical activity, sport and PE in all children at our school. Through P.E and wider physical activity opportunities, our aim isn’t just to develop the children’s physical capabilities, but also to teach and develop important life skills; including leadership, teamwork, fair play, perseverance and resilience to deal with both success and failure. We want our children to lead and maintain a healthy lifestyle; understanding the importance of this in promoting long term health and wellbeing.
Children in the EYFS, (year R), receive daily access to activities indoors and outdoors that build on their fine and gross motor development as well as a weekly one-hour formal PE session during the summer term. Children are encouraged to develop their core strength and gross motor skills to ensure that they are ready for fine motor movements through daily 5 a day exercise and dough disco sessions.
All children in KS1 take part in PE lessons every week, covering Gymnastics, Dance, Outdoor Games or fundamental skills. Detailed Outdoor PE lesson plans and resource videos/guidance, taken from the Get Set 4 PE scheme of work, ensure that all teachers are equipped with secure subject knowledge to confidently deliver high quality teaching and learning so that technical vocabulary, teaching points and skills can be shared with pupils clearly and concisely. These plans are fully aligned to the National Curriculum. Our Gymnastics and Dance sessions are delivered by a qualified specialist, who works alongside class teachers to provide continued professional development.
On top of this, we are extremely lucky to have our own on-site swimming pool. Children in KS1 have a weekly lesson with a qualified specialist and children in the EYFS start lessons in the summer term. As a coastal school, we regard swimming as being an essential part of the curriculum. The swimming lessons provide children with the experience of water confidence and water safety, as well as learning stroke techniques.
Within all P.E lessons, children are given opportunities to practice existing skills, build upon these and develop more advanced skills. There is a clear structure to the lesson sequence; prior learning is revisited and opportunities for practice are given before skills are tested in a more realistic ‘game’/ ‘performance’ situation. Every child is given the best opportunity to develop a strong and secure skillset, so that they are able to access a wide range of sports as they move to the Junior School and beyond. Teachers at West Leigh have high expectations of all children and promote a willingness to have a go in all sporting activities and to keep trying when faced with a challenge. Alongside physical development, lessons allow children to develop and achieve social, emotional and thinking outcomes too. Children are also given time to reflect on their learning and take part in self, peer and group feedback within the lesson.
At least 30 minutes of physical activity per day, in addition to the above, is implemented through participation in the Daily Mile and active playtimes and lunchtimes; where equipment such as skipping ropes and balance boards are available for children to use. Teachers also build in opportunities for short bursts of activity and mindfulness throughout the day, using a range of active brain-break resources such as ‘5-a-day Fitness’, ‘BBC Supermovers’, ‘Cosmic Yoga’ and ‘Kalma Kids Yoga’. Furthermore, children in KS1 have the opportunity to attend extracurricular sports clubs and also have the chance to represent the school in various events with other schools, through our local school sports partnership. Every year, each year group participates in Sports Day and National School Sports Week is also celebrated. Cross curricular links are made with other subjects particularly in Science (Animals Including Humans) and PSHE (Health and Wellbeing).
Provision is enhanced through the use of the Sports Premium Funding.
We strive for every child to achieve their full potential in all physical activities, develop a love of Physical Education, be ready for their next stage in learning and inspire aspirations for their future career paths.
A high percentage of children in the EYFS improve their fine and gross motor skills to meet the Physical Development ELG. By the end of KS1, all children should be competent in the core skills and ready for KS2 physical education. Progress for all children will be evident throughout lessons and over longer periods of time, regardless of their starting points and children will be eager to attend after school clubs and competitive sports events.
Children will leave West Leigh Infant School a well-rounded individual physically, socially and mentally and will have reached at least the expected level in PE. We hope that the children leave our school inspired to continue to lead a physically active life and to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.